July 2011
Cousinbo was doing some searching for some parts to build a new computer. He was out of the FPS PC gaming world for a couple years. As he was searching along some forums he stumbled across one that was explaining how Battlefield 3 would be coming out a little later during the year of 2011. This really sparked an intrest in Cousinbo's mind. He thought to himself, "What if I start up FPS clan!" Cousinbo went to the drawing board. He searched and searched and searched to ensure this would be something he would want to do since this is such a time consuming task. While he was searching he was looking for a way to develop a clan that would be like no other. What he was looking for was away to develop a clan that be tons of fun and have some democracy to it as well. Before he could do that he must think of a cool name and also a name that meant something, since this was such a hard thing to do it dawned on him, what's two things that people in the clan should enjoy "Frags and Beer", so that's when the reasearch came in and found out that there were no other clans with that name. So that's where the name came from, and for about 2 weeks debated on what to do next while researching and talking to others in the PC gaming community.
Early August 2011
8 Aug- Cousinbo went ahead and took a plunge to go ahead and create free website (http://fragsnbeer.ucoz.com) calling for any members 21 years of age and older to apply to be on the council board so the council board and himself could start hashing out things for the clan. It will be in future plans to go ahead and get the .com. Trying to figure out where to advertise was one of the hardest things to do as there are not many places that people find it friendly to advertise for clan members that 1000 other people haven't already. Cousinbo went ahead and decided to promote the website on www.bf3nation.com and www.enterbf3.com because those were two sites that already had members that were excited as he was to play Battlefield 3 and allowed clan promoting.
21 Aug- Cousinbo and Lordbustakap have been doing a lot of messing around with graphics and tweaking to the site to see what would best attract members. Both have decided on many new things for the clan. Today they both put up a ranks page but have not decided at least by this date which ones to keep and which ones to take away.
Also, we've been on the top 10 clans for http://www.bf3clans.com which isn't much since the clan is only the two of us.
On Thursday 18th of Aug we had our first application for someone to join, "Nuttysacks" Unfortunatly he was from Canada and this is a US clan only. Cousinbo and Busta decided at this time they would not like to start bending rules yet. This would be a bad start to a clan and said maybe later down the road could see what happens.
December 2011
Cousinbo just got back home from being away from home for months. While he was gone this is when Lordbustakap and himself decided to create the clan, in earlier months. After coming back home and not hearing from Lordbustakap and in the middle of buying a house he couldn't purchase the computer he was going to build while he was gone. With that being said Cousinbo decided that he would find another game that would be able to stand the clan up and get it started. He found Battlefield Play 4 Free and it worked on his laptop. He found a great price on a server and TS3. This is when FnB became "LIVE!" Immeditialy after the server stood up people seen the name and ping they were getting with the server and started to join. Within the first 30 minutes of being up, the server stayed completely full. Most people that CousinBo talk to on the server said, I came because of the NAME. Since we're a 21+ US Clan, people really started to like that and decided to join. At this time CousinBo was trying the gather people up for the board, he decided to pick 2 board members then from there let those two guys decide on the third individual. Allowing this, showed what he wanted and to let the board members know this wasn't going to be on of those clans that 1 person ran but everyone.