1. Just did an update to all the forum ranks. There are 10 ranks that are associated with drinking. The reason I did that is because sometimes people get confused with forum ranks and clan rank. I figured this would have been the easiest way to do this. Busta please let me know if you would prefer not to do this and I will change it back.
2.I also changed the buttons on the forums to be a little bit easier to see. At first they were really hard to see because of their color and size. I also updated and added this thread.
3. I added this forum section. Just thought it would be better for people that don't realize the little stuff that gets changed, at least they'll know and can check it out.
4.Changed the buttons on the side of the forums that tell you if there is a new post in that section. Like the buttons up top for new topics these were hard to see as well.
If you have any ideas or want to see something else changed please put it here.
SOON TO COME.... 1. Clan Rules 2. Server Rules (Very Basic--Just want to get a foundation on this) 3. Clan Ranks 4. Clan Roster CousinBo
"Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot."
All the new changes to the buttons look great. The addition of this thread was a great idea as well. Also, I like the idea of having the forum ranks differ from the clan ranking system. That minor difference creates less confusion on new members and just adds a new level of fun to the forums. Over all great job on these changes Bo.
Here are the 10 ranks. Sorry, should have put them in the first post.
Rank 1: Babysitter 0 post Rank 2: Nursing 20 post Rank 3: Tipsy 40 post Rank 4: Buzzing 80 post Rank 5: Feeling Good 100 post Rank 6: Drunk 150 post Rank 7: Blacked Out 250 post Rank 8: Disfunctional 500 post Rank 9: F***'d Up 800 post Rank 10: Post Aholic 1200 post
If you think I need to change the order of these or the number of post, we can discuss that as well. CousinBo
"Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot."